About the movie Where's George?

The filming of Where's George? was originally begun in 1999 in 16mm film in San Francisco and Sausalito, and along with extensive post-production and additional photography, was completed in 2009.

This 85 minute feature is an irreverent romp through the underbelly of San Francisco nightlife. The camera follows the many characters whose lives overlap randomly In just one night as they use the same dollar bill , "George", to tip waiters, a pizza guy, a doorman, and to make change for purposes that would make the Old Mint cringe.

The brief glimpses of these randomly linked lives lets us eavesdrop on conversations with the ring of late-night reality. The film is humorous, poignant, scatological, exasperating, arrogant, insecure and all too human. It is a a tasty slice of night-time San Francisco before Y2K, served fresh and quirky the way you like it.